(Any FIVE Experiments)
1 (a) Determination of Wavelength, and particle size using Laser
(b) Determination of acceptance angle in an optical fiber.
2. Determination of velocity of sound and compressibility of liquid – Ultrasonic interferometer.
3. Determination of wavelength of mercury spectrum – spectrometer grating
4. Determination of thermal conductivity of a bad conductor – Lee’s Disc method.
5. Determination of Young’s modulus by Non uniform bending method
6. Determination of specific resistance of a given coil of wire – Carey Foster’s Bridge
(Any FIVE Experiments)
1 Determination of DO content of water sample by Winkler’s method.
2 Determination of chloride content of water sample by argentometric method
3 Determination of strength of given hydrochloric acid using pH meter
4 Determination of strength of acids in a mixture using conductivity meter
5 Estimation of iron content of the water sample using spectrophotometer
(1,10-phenanthroline / thiocyanate method)
6 Determination of molecular weight of polyvinylalcohol using Ostwald viscometer
7 Conductometric titration of strong acid vs strong base
1. Daniel R. Palleros, “Experimental organic chemistry” John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New Yor (2001).
2. Furniss B.S. Hannaford A.J, Smith P.W.G and Tatchel A.R., “Vogel’s Textbook of
practical organic chemistry”, LBS Singapore (1994).
3. Jeffery G.H., Bassett J., Mendham J.and Denny vogel’s R.C, “Text book of quantitative
analysis chemical analysis”, ELBS 5th Edn. Longman, Singapore publishers, Singapore, 1996.
4. Kolthoff I.M., Sandell E.B. et al. “Quantitative chemical analysis”, Mcmillan, Madras 1980.
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